I just saw the Swedish vampire movie Let the right one in. It is beautifully haunting, set in winter in a bleak Stockholm suburb in the early 1980s and tells the strange love between a young boy, Oskar, who is the target of abuse by school bullies and a young vampire girl, Eli, played by the wonderful Lina Leandersson. The movie manages to be a romantic tell of early adolescent love set amidst serial killings and horror. It certainly isn't Twilight. It reminded me of when I lived in a similar Stockholm suburb, Taby in 1984 and then went to high school in an industrial company town farther north, Sandviken. The same endless, white grey silent winter days that quickly gave into tonight, and nothing seemed to happen. The world seemed to have slowed down and you felt that you were far, far from anything that mattered. The director managed to capture young love and the bleakness of life in a winter in Sweden c. 1980.